How Therapy Works

Therapy is a deep conversation about you with a trained professional who understands how various elements in your life have made you who you are up to this point.

People are often nervous in their first session because they don't know what to expect or because they fear talking about the things that are bothering them. While I can't guarantee that it will be a completely pleasant experience, many people actually report feeling relieved after their first session.  This is due, in large part, to the fact that they've been alone with their problems for quite some time and have felt hopeless and confused about how to address them. We probably won't get to everything in the first session (or second!) and that's normal. Therapy takes time and effort. You may feel overwhelmed at times (in which case we can slow down or talk about something else), or not sure if it's helping. And that part is tricky.  Feeling better ebbs and flows.

It's highly unlikely you're always going to be happy and feeling positive. What we can aim for are ways to manage strong emotions and gain insight into unhelpful internal dialogues or repeat relational dynamics. The more objective distance and awareness you gain into your history and patterns, the better you will be able to take more mindful action in your life. This, in turn, will help you be truer to yourself and keep you on a healthier and more rewarding path.